
See all Ethics and Value Challenges in Antibiotic Resistance Management, Policy and Research talks

This symposium was the first ever major international conference on this topic, organized by the Centre for Antibiotic Resistance research (CARe).

Ethics and Value Challenges in Antibiotic Resistance Management, Policy and Research, symposium in Gothenburg, November 15-16, 2017.

The World Health Organization, WHO, identifies antibiotic resistance as a global challenge threatening human health and the fundamental achievements of modern medicine. Ethics and value conflicts are at the centre of this challenge: both regarding slowing down resistance development and addressing problems due to resistance. These issues arise on all levels, from day-to-day food consumption and clincial health care, phamaceutical and food production, to national and global policy.

This symposium was the first ever major international conference on this topic, organized by the Centre for Antibiotic Resistance research (CARe). It assembled world leading scholars from anthropology, economics, ethics, law, philosophy, politics and medicine, across two full days of presentations and discussions.

Program and links to all talks (click titles to see talks)

November 15

Welcome - Christian Munthe (CARe - University of Gothenburg)

Introduction to antibiotic resistance - Joakim Larsson (CARe - University of Gothenburg)

Global political response to the antibiotic resistance challenge. Otto Cars (Uppsala University)

Antibiotics and Animal Agriculture: The Need for Global Collective Action. Jonathan Anomaly (University of Arizona)

What is care in the wake of antibiotics? Experiences of global health in low resource settings. Clare Chandler (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine)

Antibiotics, inequality, and early childhood development. Michael Millar (Barts Health NHS Trust)

What is responsible care for antibiotic resistance carriers? Marcel Verwei (Wagenigen University)

Surveillance and control of asymptomatic carriers of drug resistant pathogens. Michael J. Selgelid (Monash University and WHO)

November 16

Collective responsibility and its ethical implications related to drug resistance. Julian Savulescu (University of Oxford)

Ethical implications of a sustainability argument for drug resistance action. Angus Dawson (University of Sydney)

Risky business? Developing a risk-based ethical framework for rational antibiotics management. Alena Buyx (Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel)

(How) can ethical discourse on drug resistance inform health policy? Jasper Littmann (Robert Koch Institute)

How law can help solve the collective action problem of antimicrobial resistance? Steven J. Hoffman (York University of Toronto)

Should antibiotic resistance interventions be expedited? Christian Munthe (CARe - University of Gothenburg)