
CARe research on antibiotic resistance in the environment funded by several grants from the Swedish Research Councils VR and FORMAS

Professor Joakim Larsson and coworkers receives 8.6 MSEK from the Swedish Research Councils VR and FORMAS for research on the role of the environment in selection and evolution of antibiotic resistance.

Associate professor Carl-Fredrik Flach receives 3 MSEK from FORMAS for a project on transmission of antibiotic resistance plasmids in sewage. A smaller networking grant on environmental surveillance of antibiotic resistance was also granted from the JPIAMR last week to a larger international consortium where the Larsson group is participating.

- Taken together this new funding provides an important basis for our future work at CARe to better understand and manage the environmental dimensions of antibiotic resistance, says Joakim Larsson, director at CARe.